Windows and Linux, in addition to not sharing a file system, also do not share a permission policy management system.
Linux has its Unix-derived permissions system, at the time that AT & T began designing it, disk space was expensive, so the system was designed to save every bit of the disk. Each file will have only 3 sets of permissions: access to all, the owner's group and the owner. In order to have more complex permissions guidelines it is necessary to use a different methodology called ACL that is not supported by Linux natively, depending on the installation of new packages. Another problem is that ACL is not implemented in the share that VirtualBox makes available.
Already on windows, the permissions have been taken to the extreme. Each file can have specific permissions for any number of distinct users, groups, and for Everyone. In addition "Everyone" can have different meanings: "All Authenticated Users"; "All visitors"; "All system users"; "All Network Users". To make matters worse, permissions can have inheritance behaviors between folders and child files, among other possibilities.
When a service (such as VirtualBox) shares Windows folders on Linux, it works to make that gap of differences less distant.
As we have seen, because of the nature of the different systems, the modifications made are not mirrored identically in the shared folder in Windows. When we access a share on Linux - or we're using shared Windows credentials among Linux users - or we'll have access access to the share if that user does not have permission.
Docker now takes advantage of Linux kernel innovations: Namespaces, cgroups, SELinux, and UnionFS to be able to share complete systems (containers) for different tasks in order to create isolation between systems. In each container there are several users and groups that can not even exist on the host system!
When you run a container held in a VirtualBox share, you will be exposed to all of these issues, which will make it unusable in its entirety.
I suggest you create a script that runs from time to time (every 10 minutes for example) by compressing and sending the files to windows if you really need to do that.
tar -cpzf /compartilhamento/arquivo.tar.gz pasta_do_conteiner
where -c creates tar -p retains permissions -z compact -f points to output file
crontab -e:
*/10 * * * * /caminho/para/o/