Table values being truncated


I made code in the declaration part of the real number that word balance that it will get a number with 6 digits and 2 two decimal places after the comma, but all the values that I enter are truncated, how to solve? >

create database uri
default character set utf8
default collate utf8_general_ci;

use uri;

create table pessoas(

 id int not null auto_increment,
 nome varchar(30),
 rua varchar(30),
 cidade varchar(30),
 regiao char(3),
 saldo decimal(6,2),
 primary key(id)

) default charset utf8;

insert into pessoas values
('1','Pedro Augusto da Rocha','Rua Pedro Carlos Hoffman','Porto Alegre','RS','700,00'),
('2','Antonio Carlos Mamel','Av. Pinheiros','Belo Horizonte','MG','3500,50'),
('3','Luiza Augusta Mhor','Rua Salto Grande','Niteroi','RJ','4000,00'),
('4','Jane Ester','Av 7 de setembro','Erechim','RS','800,00'),
('5','Marcos Antônio dos Santos','Av Farrapos','Porto Alegre','RS','4250,25');
SELECT nome FROM pessoas WHERE regiao = 'RS';
asked by anonymous 27.04.2018 / 20:49

2 answers


You must use period (.) and non-comma (,) to separate the decimal, mysql does not use the Brazilian standard. link

27.04.2018 / 20:58

Change "," to "." because the field is of the decimal type (only accepts number and the separator for decimal places is the point)


insert into pessoas values
('1','Pedro Augusto da Rocha','Rua Pedro Carlos Hoffman','Porto Alegre','RS','700.00')
27.04.2018 / 20:59