Return in array js


I'm trying to make a game of the old one in js, however I can not check if the filled-in index is different from 1 or 2. Any solution? I'm trying to give return in the array but it looks like it will not.

Code: link

Error in chrome:


tictactoe.js: 99   Uncaught TypeError: Can not set property 'innerHTML' of null
      at playIA (tictactoe.js: 99)
      at tictactoe.js: 10

asked by anonymous 18.06.2018 / 03:18

1 answer


I noticed 3 errors in your code:

In these comparisons if(v[1] != 1 || v[1] != 2) you could only if(!v[0]) { to check if it is empty. Or you should use the && operator instead of || :

if(v[1] != 1 && v[1] != 2)

The operator || which means ou , you are saying that it can be 1 or 2, then if it is empty or 1, it will validate, if it is 2 it will also validate.

Another similar error is in this if :

if(v[randomIA] != 1 || v[randomIA] != 2) {
   v[randomIA] = 2;

You would have to use if(!v[randomIA]) { or if(v[randomIA] != 1 && v[randomIA] != 2) { . And the value in v[randomIA] = 2; should, by logic, be the random value:

v[randomIA] = randomIA;

Another problem is in generating a random number:

randomIA = Math.floor(Math.random() * (9 + 1));

You are generating numbers from 0 to 9. Since the id s of div s ranges from 0 to 8, remove + 1 , because it is generating 9 and JavaScript returns the error quoted by no find the element of id="q9" , which does not exist.

Correcting these problems, the code seems to work perfectly. See (I've even added borders for easy viewing):

var q;
var i;
var vez = Math.floor(Math.random() * (2) + 1);  // 1 para player / 2 para IA
var randomIA;
var posicaoOcupada;
var fimJogo = 0;
var flag = 0;
var v = new Array(9);   // 1 para player / 2 para IA
if(vez == 2)
function jogar(q) {
   posicaoOcupada = false;
    switch(q) {
        case 0:
            if(!v[0]) {
                v[0] = 1;
                posicaoOcupada = true;
        case 1:
            if(!v[1]) {
                v[1] = 1;
                posicaoOcupada = true;
        case 2:
            if(!v[2]) {
                v[2] = 1;
                posicaoOcupada = true;
        case 3:
            if(!v[3]) {
                v[3] = 1;
                posicaoOcupada = true;
        case 4:
            if(!v[4]) {
                v[4] = 1;
                posicaoOcupada = true;
        case 5:
            if(!v[5]) {
                v[5] = 1;
                posicaoOcupada = true;
        case 6:
            if(!v[6]) {
                v[6] = 1;
                posicaoOcupada = true;
        case 7:
            if(!v[7]) {
                v[7] = 1;
                posicaoOcupada = true;
        case 8:
            if(!v[8]) {
                v[8] = 1;
                posicaoOcupada = true;
    if(posicaoOcupada == true){
        document.getElementById("alerta").style.display = "";
    }else if(posicaoOcupada == false) {
        document.getElementById("q" + q).innerHTML = "X";
    return v[q];
var randomLinha;
var randomColuna;
function jogarIA() {
    flag = 0;
    while(flag == 0) {
        randomIA = Math.floor(Math.random() * (9));
        if(!v[randomIA]) {
            v[randomIA] = randomIA;
            flag = 1;
            flag = 0;
    document.getElementById("q" + randomIA).innerHTML = "O";
    return v[randomIA];
function mostrarIndex() {
	document.getElementById("index").style.display = "";
	document.getElementById("tutorial").style.display = "none";
	document.getElementById("jogar").style.display = "none";
	document.getElementById("liIndex").style.backgroundColor = "#DDD";
	document.getElementById("liTutorial").style.backgroundColor = "#EEE";
	document.getElementById("liJogar").style.backgroundColor = "#EEE";
	window.location.href = "";
function mostrarTutorial() {
	document.getElementById("index").style.display = "none";
	document.getElementById("tutorial").style.display = "";
	document.getElementById("jogar").style.display = "none";
	document.getElementById("liIndex").style.backgroundColor = "#EEE";
	document.getElementById("liTutorial").style.backgroundColor = "#DDD";
	document.getElementById("liJogar").style.backgroundColor = "#EEE";
	window.location.href = "#tutorial";
function mostrarJogar() {
	document.getElementById("index").style.display = "none";
	document.getElementById("tutorial").style.display = "none";
	document.getElementById("jogar").style.display = "";
	document.getElementById("liIndex").style.backgroundColor = "#EEE";
	document.getElementById("liTutorial").style.backgroundColor = "#EEE";
	document.getElementById("liJogar").style.backgroundColor = "#DDD";
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<div class="container">
   <div id="main">
      <div id="logoDiv"></div>
      <div id="headerDiv">
         <ul id="navbar">
            <li id="liIndex" style="background-color: #CCC;"><a href="javascript:mostrarIndex();" id="indexNavbar">Página Inicial</a></li>
            <li id="liTutorial"><a href="javascript:mostrarTutorial();" id"tutorialNavbar">Tutorial</a></li>
            <li id="liJogar"><a href="javascript:mostrarJogar();" id="jogoNavbar">Jogar</a></li>

      <div id="bodyDiv">
         <article id="index">
            <p>Bem vindo <span id="mostrarNome"></span> ao Jogo da Velha, descubra quais são as palavras antes que suas tentativas acabem.</p>
            <p>Caso não saiba jogar, clique na aba <b>Tutorial</b> para aprender. Caso já saiba, clique em <b>Jogar</b> para começar a diversão.</p>
         <article id="tutorial" style="display: none;">
            <p>Nesse tópico, você verá como jogar o Jogo da Forca.</p/=>
         <article id="jogar" style="display: none;" align: "center">
            <p id="placar" class="text-center"><b>Placar:</b><br><span id="placarPlayer">0</span> vs IA <span id="placarIA">0</span></p>
            <div id="q" class="text-center">
               <div id="q0" class="quadrado" onClick="jogar(0);"></div>
               <div id="q1" class="quadrado" onClick="jogar(1);"></div>
               <div id="q2" class="quadrado" onClick="jogar(2);"></div>
               <div id="q3" class="quadrado" onClick="jogar(3);"></div>
               <div id="q4" class="quadrado" onClick="jogar(4);"></div>
               <div id="q5" class="quadrado" onClick="jogar(5);"></div>
               <div id="q6" class="quadrado" onClick="jogar(6);"></div>
               <div id="q7" class="quadrado" onClick="jogar(7);"></div>
               <div id="q8" class="quadrado" onClick="jogar(8);"></div>
            <p id="alerta" class="text-center" style="display: none;"><i class="fa fa-exclamation-triangle"></i> Posição ocupada, tente outra!</p>
18.06.2018 / 04:25