Get previous values of a variable if the current value is 0 with a condition using dplyr in R


I have a database as follows:

CNPJ    data    dataquebra  alto
2222    201603  201711      s
2222    201511  0           s
2222    201702  201711      s
2222    201704  201711      s
3333    201601  201711      s
3333    201509  0           s
3333    201512  0           s
3333    201607  201711      s
3333    201706  201711      s
1111    201701  201711      s
4444    201503  201605      s
4444    201503  201605      s
9999    201605  201712      s
9999    201511  0           s
9999    201704  201712      s
9999    201603  201712      s

I need to filter the values that the alto variable is as s . I want all values of dataquebra for each CNPJ to be equal. But realize that some of these values are zero.

So, replace the occurrences of dataquebra that are equal to 0 by the other value that is not 0 in that variable.

I thought about using dplyr and started as follows:

dados<-dados %>%
  group_by(CNPJ) %>%
  filter(alto=="s") %>%
  mutate(x_lag = lag(dataquebra, order_by = data))

dados<-dados %>%
  group_by(CNPJ) %>%
  filter(alto=="s") %>%
  mutate(x_lead = lead(dataquebra, order_by = data))

dados$dataquebra<-ifelse(dados$dataquebra==0 & !$x_lag), 
dados$x_lag, dados$dataquebra)
dados$dataquebra<-ifelse(dados$dataquebra==0 & !$x_lead), 
dados$x_lead, dados$dataquebra)

But for some reason it did not work.

asked by anonymous 11.07.2018 / 16:27

1 answer


Your intuition was correct. Yes, you can use dplyr :

dados %>%
  filter(alto=="s") %>%
  group_by(CNPJ) %>%
  mutate(dataquebra2 = max(dataquebra))
# A tibble: 16 x 5
# Groups:   CNPJ [5]
    CNPJ   data dataquebra alto  dataquebra2
   <int>  <int>      <int> <fct>       <dbl>
 1  2222 201603     201711 s          201711
 2  2222 201511          0 s          201711
 3  2222 201702     201711 s          201711
 4  2222 201704     201711 s          201711
 5  3333 201601     201711 s          201711
 6  3333 201509          0 s          201711
 7  3333 201512          0 s          201711
 8  3333 201607     201711 s          201711
 9  3333 201706     201711 s          201711
10  1111 201701     201711 s          201711
11  4444 201503     201605 s          201605
12  4444 201503     201605 s          201605
13  9999 201605     201712 s          201712
14  9999 201511          0 s          201712
15  9999 201704     201712 s          201712
16  9999 201603     201712 s          201712

In order not to lose information and become more didactic, I created another column called dataquebra2 .

See I used mutate like you, but the function I chose to replace 0 was the max function. After all, if all occurrences of dataquebra are positive (and I believe they are), whenever this value is different from 0, it is the one that will be chosen at most.     

11.07.2018 / 17:34