I am changing the Symfony template so that CRUD already has the format I need, I could change almost everything, but now I had to change the form, to edit the css classes and other elements with div and etc. .. to stay in line with the layout I want, the Controllers and twig views (edit.html.twig.twig, index.html.twig.twig, new.html.twig.twig, show.html.twig .twig and even the actions.html.twig.twig and record_actions.html.twig) are ok, but to do the form I see that there are calls in the twig code for a form function. I would like to know where I can change the template of this form, because I want to change the layout of it. Below is a snippet of the new.html.twig.twig code.
{% block extends %}
{{ "{% extends '::form.html.twig' %}" }} {% endblock extends %} {% block body %}
{{ "{% block body -%}" }}
<div class="content-wrapper-panel">
<div class="panel form-horizontal">
<div class="panel-heading">
<span class="panel-title">{{ entity }} creation</span>
<div class="panel-body">
{{ '{{ form(form) }}' }}
<div class="panel-footer">
{% set hide_edit, hide_delete = true, true %}
{% include 'crud/views/others/record_actions.html.twig.twig' %}
{{ "{% endblock %}" }} {% endblock body %}
Where do I find the template that generates the content of {{form (form)}} and how do I customize it?
In edit.html.twig.twig it creates the delete button by the following command:
{% if ('delete' in actions) and (not hide_delete) %}
{{ '{{ form(delete_form) }}' }}
{% endif %}
Just add some DIVs that I want to remove, and leave only the form and button.
The code snippet of the edit that generates the delete button produces the following output after rendering the html:
<form name="form" method="post" action="/sbcorp/web/app_dev.php/city/2"><input type="hidden" name="_method" value="DELETE"><div id="form"><div><button type="submit" id="form_submit" name="form[submit]" class="btn btn-group">Delete</button></div><input type="hidden" id="form__token" name="form[_token]" value="cpQYW2u5jQ9eH-Ux7VOeKQMtERVno_T4h3Olshaw9js"></div></form>
I want to leave only the form, the input hidden and the button
The location where I am modifying the template of the view is being shown as the image below. I've changed all skeleton \ crud \ view and skeleton \ crud \ action