Better to run crontab directly on the server. Crontab has the following format:
[minutos] [horas] [dias do mês] [mês] [dias da semana] [usuário] [comando]
The completion of each field is done as follows:
Minutes: Report numbers from 0 to 59;
Hours: Report numbers from 0 to 23;
Days of the month: Report numbers from 0 to 31;
Month: Report numbers from 1 to 12;
Days of the week: report numbers from 0 to 7;
User: is the user that will execute the command (it is not necessary to specify it if the user's own file is used);
Command: The task that must be performed.
To run "my-script.php" every 1 hour, do the following:
# crontab -e
00 * * * * /usr/local/bin/php /home/pedrodelfino/meu-script.php
Other examples can be found in the following URL link just leave a hint, the path to the PHP file should be absolute , so everything will work fine.