View mp3 path instead of download


Hello. I have a class in my project that joins several audio files and returns me another mp3 with all these files in a single download starts automatically (without requiring the user to click anything).

Is there any way I can get this file to play instead of downloading?


// This is the class to generate mp3 files based on the anti-spam words
// Based on the PHP mp3 class at
// Output code based on the FPDF class at
class mp3
    var $str;
    var $time;
    var $frames;

    // Create a new mp3
    function mp3($path="")
        $this->str = file_get_contents($path);

  // Put an mp3 behind the first mp3
  function mergeBehind($mp3)
  $this->str .= $mp3->str;

  // Calculate where's the end of the sound file
  function getIdvEnd()
  $strlen = strlen($this->str);
  $str = substr($this->str,($strlen-128));
  $str1 = substr($str,0,3);
  if(strtolower($str1) == strtolower('TAG'))
  return $str;
  return false;

  // Calculate where's the beginning of the sound file
  function getStart()
  $strlen = strlen($this->str);
  $v = substr($this->str,$i,1);
  $value = ord($v);
  if($value == 255)
  return $i;

  // Remove the ID3 tags
  function striptags()
  //Remove start stuff...
  $newStr = '';
  $s = $start = $this->getStart();
  return false;
  $this->str = substr($this->str,$start);
  //Remove end tag stuff
  $end = $this->getIdvEnd();
  $this->str = substr($this->str,0,(strlen($this->str)-129));

  // Display an error
  function error($msg)
  //Fatal error
  die('<strong>audio file error: </strong>'.$msg);

 // Send the new mp3 to the browser
  function output($path)
  //Output mp3
  //Send to standard output
  $this->error('Some data has already been output, can\'t send mp3 file');
  //We send to a browser
  header('Content-Type: audio/mpeg3');
  $this->error('Some data has already been output to browser, can\'t send mp3 file');
  header('Content-Length: '.strlen($this->str));
  header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="'.$path.'"');
  echo $this->str;
  return '';


// Specify the word 
$petersword = "testword";

$word_count = strlen($petersword);

 // Set up the first file
  if ($word_count > 0) {
  $mp3 = new mp3($cas_fontpath . 'sounds/' . substr($petersword, 0, 1) . '.mp3');

// Generate the mp3 file from each letter in the word 
  for ($i = 1; $i < $word_count; ++$i) {
  $cas_character = $cas_fontpath . 'sounds/' . substr($petersword, $i, 1);
  $cas_mp3equivalent = new mp3($cas_character . '.mp3');

  // Spit out the audio file!  
asked by anonymous 30.04.2015 / 19:05

2 answers


Remove this from your code $mp3->output('word.mp3'); and in the class you can add a new method, in this method you will have to manipulate the variable $this->str , it would look something like:

class mp3 {
    function save($path) {
       file_put_contents($path, $this->str);

Your code should look like this:

// Specify the word 
$petersword = "testword";

$word_count = strlen($petersword);

 // Set up the first file
  if ($word_count > 0) {
  $mp3 = new mp3($cas_fontpath . 'sounds/' . substr($petersword, 0, 1) . '.mp3');

// Generate the mp3 file from each letter in the word 
  for ($i = 1; $i < $word_count; ++$i) {
  $cas_character = $cas_fontpath . 'sounds/' . substr($petersword, $i, 1);
  $cas_mp3equivalent = new mp3($cas_character . '.mp3');

//Salva o arquivo

And to display you will have to get the virtual path of the static/sounds folder (it's just an example) that would look something like:


Then you decide the path you want the file to be saved:)

30.04.2015 / 21:40

You could use the html tag <audio>


Or some API done in JQuery that reproduces the audio.

30.04.2015 / 19:42