Set up sending mail hosting redHost


I have a web site hosted on the netHost, when I set it up in PHP Mailer, it did not work, I contacted the network support, I was told that PHP Mailer is blocked on their servers, that it should use the mail function ).

I was able to configure and send only text, however when I put attached file, it does not send because it needs authentication.

Has anyone set up the email at this location? or have an example of the mail () function that is authenticated, and allow attachment?

asked by anonymous 14.07.2015 / 18:47

2 answers


I got the "flea behind the ear" with the position of the net holder, and tried to talk to another attendant!

To my surprise, the solution was totally different, because as I suspected, the other technician had spoken gooseberry.

Solution: to change SMTP from for

14.07.2015 / 22:43

Generally, when you create an account on a hosting, an e-mail account is created that will be used to make the SMTP connection. If you do not have this account, or do not know which account this is, I recommend you to contact the hosting. Or if you have access to the administrative panel, such as CPanel, you can even create / see what the account is. Some hosts use ports 587, 25, or 2525 for SMTP, you should see with your hosting what it would be.

One of the things that can go wrong, I do not know if it's your case, but it's the SMTP host issue, it's usually a different one from your domains, many times it's Check with the company this too. Another thing, to use the mail function, you have to make some settings, like for example. php_flag authmail.debug: Enables system error messages. php_value authmail.port: Sets the port that will be used for sending (587). php_value authmail.address: The e-mail address that will be used. php_value authmail.account: User access to the e-mail account. php_value authmail.smtp: E-mail sending server. php_value authmail.password: Password for access to the email account.

All this information is in a .htaccess file in the root folder.

Read these links, you can help.

link link


14.07.2015 / 19:13