I have a class where I can find out if the CNPJ entered by the user is valid or not.
What I would like to do, and what I can not do, is show the user the last two valid digits he should type.
For example:
MessageBox("CNPJ inválido, o Digito Verificador correto seria: "+DV);
I would like to do this for the CNPJ and CPF.
The validation method of the CNPJ is as follows:
public bool ValidaCNPJ(string vrCNPJ)
int nrDig;
string CNPJ = vrCNPJ.Replace(".", "");
CNPJ = CNPJ.Replace("/", "");
CNPJ = CNPJ.Replace("-", "");
string ftmt = "6543298765432";
int[] digitos = new int[14];
int[] soma = new int[2];
soma[0] = 0;
soma[1] = 0;
int[] resultado = new int[2];
resultado[0] = 0;
resultado[1] = 0;
bool[] CNPJOk = new bool[2];
CNPJOk[0] = false;
CNPJOk[1] = false;
for (nrDig = 0; nrDig < 14; nrDig++)
digitos[nrDig] = int.Parse(
CNPJ.Substring(nrDig, 1));
if (nrDig <= 11)
soma[0] += (digitos[nrDig] *
nrDig + 1, 1)));
if (nrDig <= 12)
soma[1] += (digitos[nrDig] *
nrDig, 1)));
for (nrDig = 0; nrDig < 2; nrDig++)
resultado[nrDig] = (soma[nrDig] % 11);
if ((resultado[nrDig] == 0) || (resultado[nrDig] == 1))
CNPJOk[nrDig] = (
digitos[12 + nrDig] == 0);
CNPJOk[nrDig] = (
digitos[12 + nrDig] == (
11 - resultado[nrDig]));
return (CNPJOk[0] && CNPJOk[1]);
return false;
Method to validate CPF
public bool ValidaCpf(string cpf)
int[] multiplicador1 = new int[9] { 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 };
int[] multiplicador2 = new int[10] { 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 };
string tempCpf;
string digito;
int soma;
int resto;
cpf = cpf.Trim();
cpf = cpf.Replace(".", "").Replace("-", "");
if (cpf.Length != 11)
return false;
tempCpf = cpf.Substring(0, 9);
soma = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++)
soma += int.Parse(tempCpf[i].ToString()) * (multiplicador1[i]);
resto = soma % 11;
if (resto < 2)
resto = 0;
resto = 11 - resto;
digito = resto.ToString();
tempCpf = tempCpf + digito;
int soma2 = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
soma2 += int.Parse(tempCpf[i].ToString()) * multiplicador2[i];
resto = soma2 % 11;
if (resto < 2)
resto = 0;
resto = 11 - resto;
digito = digito + resto.ToString();
return cpf.EndsWith(digito);