I would like to know if there is any iframe or something I can get by the video on my site, in the manageable case, usually youtube embeds are with the video ID. I wonder if there are any that I can paste the entire YouTube url that works on the page. Here is the example of what I use (remembering that I only copy the id of the video)
<iframe width="100%" height="450" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/<?phpprint$insti->video?>"></iframe>
You can see that after the / embed is inserted the id of the video that is registered, but I need some embed that I may be pasting the entire youtube link, example:
<iframe width="100%" height="450" src="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z9VIEZhFORE"></iframe>
I'vebeenthinkingoftreatingtheURL,explodingandgettingthedataonlyafter=onlythatsometimestheshortURLofthevideocanberegistered,whichendsuplikethis: is not going to work out.