If an int variable does not receive anything from the select it is zero or not


Let's say I have this block:

declare @teste int
declare teste_cur cursor
select campo1 from tabela
while @@fetch_status = 0
  set @teste = 0
  select @teste = campo1 from tabela where campo2 = condicao2

If the select does not return anything, does the @test variable continue with zero (0) or not?

Seeing the answers of the colleagues below, I decided to do this IF

if @rx_num_novo is null or @rx_num_novo = ''
        --Aquifaço meu Update/Insert/Delete
asked by anonymous 25.04.2017 / 13:18

2 answers


I made a test here, and if the SELECT statement that fills a variable does not return any row, the variable does not have its value changed.


In your case, the fetch loop will only execute if there is at least one record in the outermost select. This way:

  • If there are records returned by the outermost select, but the internal select condition is not met in the last record fetched ( campo2 = condicao2 ), the @test variable will have zero value; li>

  • If there are records returned by the outermost select and the condition of the internal select is met in the last record obtained in fetch ( campo2 = condicao2 ), the @teste variable will have the value of the field campo1 ; >

  • If the outermost select does not return records, the variable will have the default value of the integer in SQL Server, which is null.

25.04.2017 / 13:24
declare @teste int
set @teste = 0;
select @teste = campo1 from tabela where campo2 = condicao2 -- considerando que volte nulo
if ( @teste is null ) 
  print 'nula'
  print 'não nula'

25.04.2017 / 13:34