Angularjs Controller does not work right


I am giving a basic study on how to create screens using Angularjs and Material, everything going well until I need the controller, it seems that $ scope is not working, I put a console.log at the beginning of the controller and it prints the text, but values set to $ scope are not applied to the screen and functions called using ng-click are not executed either.

<body ng-app="App" layout="column" ng-controller="PageController as pc">

<md-toolbar layout="row" layout-align="start center">
    <md-button class="menu" ng-click="pc.toggleMenu()">
        <i class="material-icons">menu</i>
    <h1>Angular Material</h1>

<div class="container" layout="row" style="min-height: 100%;">
    <md-sidenav md-is-locked-open="$mdMedia('gt-sm')" class="md-whiteframe-4dp" flex="20" md-component-id="left">

    <md-content id="content" flex>
        <md-button class="md-raised">BUTTON</md-button>
        <md-button class="md-raised md-primary">BUTTON</md-button>
        <md-button class="md-raised md-accent">BUTTON</md-button>
        <md-button class="md-raised md-warn">BUTTON</md-button>
<!-- Angular Material requires Angular.js Libraries -->
<script src=""></script><scriptsrc=""></script>
<script src=""></script><scriptsrc=""></script>

<!-- Angular Material Library -->
<script src=""></script><scripttype="text/javascript">    

angular.module('App', ['ngMaterial'])
.controller('PageController', function($scope, $mdSidenav){
    console.log('Aparece no console!');

    $scope.sidenav = "Sidenav";
    $scope.toggleMenu = function() {
.config(function($mdThemingProvider) {


The .config and console.log () in the .controller work, only the $ scope that is not working.

asked by anonymous 11.04.2016 / 01:29

1 answer


You made a small error, when you declared the controller you used ng-controller="PageController as pc" and at the time of using the property you set the value in $ scope, that is, you are settling in one place and trying to read the other. p>

Change your controller as follows:

var vm = this;
vm = "Sidenav";

This solves your problem. This way the value is being set in the controller and no longer in $scope.

You can read more about this here .

13.04.2016 / 16:53