Export Google Sheets data to the R


Everyone, okay? I'm new to R and I have a question: Is it possible, and if possible, what is the way to export data from a google sheets table (or Drive) to R. Is there any library for this?

asked by anonymous 02.10.2018 / 19:54

1 answer


You can use the googlesheets package, here is a link demonstrating an example of using this package.

To find other packages with keywords that we do not know, besides searching google, there are some options direct the environment R:

function findFn() of package sos :


This function returns a web page with a table of possible functions and their respective packages.

function search.cran() of package NCmisc :

# $google
#  [1] "googleAnalyticsR"        "googleAuthR"
#  [3] "googleCloudStorageR"     "googleComputeEngineR"
#  [5] "googledrive"             "googleformr"
#  [7] "GoogleKnowledgeGraphR"   "googleLanguageR"
#  [9] "googlenlp"               "googlePolylines"
# [11] "googlePrintr"            "googlePublicData"
# [13] "googlesheets"            "googleVis"
# [15] "googleway"               "plotGoogleMaps"
# [17] "RGoogleAnalyticsPremium" "RGoogleFit"
# [19] "RgoogleMaps"             "rgoogleslides"

# $sheets
# [1] "googlesheets"

If the keyword is common, we can use the grep() function to find a second keyword in the list:

google <- NCmisc::search.cran('google')[[1]]

google[grep('sheet', google)]
# [1] "googlesheets"

Or simply use more than one keyword in the search.cran() function:

# [1] "episheet" "googlesheets" "gsheet"

More options for package search are available here .

03.10.2018 / 20:12