I have this php function (setBet) that registers the bets in my system based on BetFair, the fact is that I am wanting to expand the business and probably some bettor will make one bet at the same time as another. The function below First register the bet header in the "bet" table and with the sleep function (1) I wait 1 second to insert the query shortly after, with the function SELECT MAX (id) I select the id that I just registered to use in the foreignkey of the "bet_matches" table which registers which match the customer bet, and his bet id.
MY PROBLEM: By using the sleep (1) function and MAX (id) I'm sure I'll have some problem in the future, blending bets or something like that .. so how can I improve this function?
public function setBet($punter_name, $punter_phone, $value, $colab_id, $array_match_and_bet)
// Cadastrar Cabeçalho e Pegar ID Aposta
$query = "SET TIME_ZONE = '-03:00';";
$query .= "INSERT INTO bet(id, punter_name, punter_phone, value, colab_id, date_time, possible_prize) values(NULL, '$punter_name', '$punter_phone', '$value', '$colab_id', now(), 0);";
$data = mysqli_multi_query(Conexao::conectar(), $query) or die(Conexao::conectar());
// Se Dados For Verdadeiro, Cabeçalho cadastrado
if ($data){
// Espera um segundo e Pega o id que acabamos de gerar
$query = "SELECT MAX(id) FROM bet";
$data = mysqli_query(Conexao::conectar(), $query);
$line = mysqli_fetch_assoc($data);
$last_id = $line["MAX(id)"];
// Hora de cadastrar as partidas selecionadas Bitch
$count = count($array_match_and_bet);
for ($i=0; $i < $count ; $i++) {
$match_and_bet = explode('-', $array_match_and_bet[$i]);
// var_dump($match_and_bet);
$id_match = $match_and_bet[0];
$type_bet = $match_and_bet[1];
$odd_at_time = $match_and_bet[2];
// Vetor para ser utilizado no calculo do premio possivel
$odds[] = $match_and_bet[2];
$query = "INSERT INTO 'bet_matches' SET match_id = $id_match, type_bet = '$type_bet', bet_id = $last_id, datetime_add = now(), odd_at_time = $odd_at_time";
// var_dump($query);
$data = mysqli_query(Conexao::conectar(), $query);
if (!$data) {
// Calcula a cotacao
$possible_prize = Bet::calcBetPossiblePrize($odds) * $value;
// Guarda o Premio Possivel
Bet::setPossiblePrize($possible_prize, $last_id);
if ($data) {
header("Location: ../bet_details.php?bet_id=".$last_id."&msg=betMakeSuccess");
header("Location: ../bet_details.php?bet_id=".$last_id."&msg=betMakeDuplicate");
return 0;
EDIT: FOLLOW MY FUNCTION Connection: connect ()
public static function conectar()
$con = mysqli_connect('localhost', 'root', 'vagrant', 'boleiros') or trigger_error(mysql_error(),E_USER_ERROR);
if (mysqli_connect_errno())
echo "Failed to connect to MySQL: " . mysqli_connect_error();
//you need to exit the script, if there is an error
return $con;
// var_dump($con);