Entity Framework 6 relationship


I have a class where I need to have 2 different relationships with the same table.

public class Usuario
    public int Naturalidade {set;get;}
    public int CidadeEndereco {set;get; 

public class Cidade
   public int Id {set;get;}
   public string Nome {set;get;

How do I make this relationship? Can it be using Fluent API or Data Annotation?

asked by anonymous 17.06.2016 / 21:10

1 answer


You treat normally, as if they were separate entities.

public class Usuario

    public int NaturalidadeId {set;get;}
    public int CidadeEnderecoId {set;get;

     [ForeignKey("NaturalidadeId ")]
     public virtual Cidade Naturalidade{ get; set; }
     [ForeignKey("CidadeEnderecoId ")]
     public virtual Cidade CidadeEndereco{ get; set; }

public class Cidade

   public int Id {set;get;}
   public string Nome {set;get;

17.06.2016 / 21:17