Hyper-v from my computer is active, and even then the error appears:
The emulator was not started because the hypervisor is not running, probably because hardware-assisted virtualization is not enabled.
For some reason hypervisor
has been disabled, to bypass run the code below (Enable) in prompt de comando
as administrator and restart the computer. To return to the original configuration just do the reverse.
Maybe virtualbox
is why hypervisor
is disabled.
bcdedit /set hypervisorlaunchtype auto
bcdedit /set hypervisorlaunchtype off
In order to start virtual machines, you need to enable Virtualization on your computer.
To do this, open your BIOS setup and look for something like "Virtualization" or "VT-x" and activate.
There are several YouTube tutorials ( example ) that help to activate, look for the one that is best for you.
I've also seen a lot of people saying that antivirus (a lot of complaints with Avast) caused this problem too, even with virtualization enabled.
Hope it helps, I could not comment because of reputation. :)