Doubt regarding CSS selectors


I started studying CSS shortly, and when I looked at the CSS of a page I came across the following excerpt:

@media (min-width:10px){

I would like to know what kind of selector is @ , and how this structure with (min-width:10px) parts works.

Thank you.

asked by anonymous 31.01.2017 / 17:41

3 answers


According to W3C

The rule @media was introduced in CSS2, thanks to it it is possible to create different rules for different media types. That is, monitors, cell phones, 4K TV.

Example: You can create a CSS rule for default Desktop Monitors. Another rule for printing (see, it's not just monitors). Including, rule for Smartphone and Smart TV

As expressions

See the syntax

@media not|only mediatype and (expressions) {

They are basically conditions. That is, when we use max-width: 480px , we say:

TO the size width of 480px, do what is between { CSS-COde }

Then from 0px to 480px, it will execute the CSS code between the keys.

In your case:

From 10px to the maximum screen size, it will execute the CSS code between the keys.

31.01.2017 / 18:32

This is a media querie in css, used to work with resolutions.

Example on the desktop I have a title with size 50px and on mobile I want this title to be smaller.


h1 {

@media (max-width:990px) {
  h1 {

<h1>Teste media queries</h1>
31.01.2017 / 17:52

The simplest way to understand is that this command works as if it were a if . That is, if the screen has a minimum size of 10px it will occupy the maximum allowed size (% with%)

ref: link

31.01.2017 / 17:48