I'm training Python and recently I've been trying to recreate the famous "Game Of Life", I've managed to avoid code failures but it still is not behaving correctly.
The program was supposed to behave this way:
Note that the game is still running through the console window and is best viewed by the default console and has not yet implemented any editing functions so the grid is randomly generated.
def genhash(sizex=10, sizey=10):
hash = {}
hash["sizex"] = sizex
hash["sizey"] = sizey
for x in range(sizex):
for y in range(sizey):
hash[(x, y,)] = 0
return hash
def hashprint(h, char0="0", char1="1"):
if "sizex" in list(h.keys()) and "sizey" in list(h.keys()):
x = h["sizex"]
y = h["sizey"]
p = ""
for xx in range(x):
for yy in range(y):
p = p + (str(h[(xx, yy)]))
p = p + ("\n")
return p.replace("0", char0).replace("1", char1)
raise ValueError("the argument is not a spatial hash")
def randomhash(h, rate):
if "sizex" in list(h.keys()) and "sizey" in list(h.keys()):
from random import random
x = h["sizex"]
y = h["sizey"]
newh = {}
newh["sizex"] = x
newh["sizey"] = y
for x1 in range(x):
for y1 in range(y):
r = random()
v = 0
if r < rate:
v = 1
v = 0
newh[(x1, y1)] = v
return newh
raise ValueError("the argument is not a spatial hash")
def convolute(h, r="b3s23"):
if "sizex" in list(h.keys()) and "sizey" in list(h.keys()):
# rules
rb = r.find("b")
rs = r.find("s")
b = [int(rule) for rule in r[rb + 1:rs]]
s = [int(rule) for rule in r[rs + 1:]]
# x,y !!
x = h["sizex"]
y = h["sizey"]
for xxx in range(x):
# torus wrapping
xp1 = xxx + 1
xm1 = xxx - 1
if xp1 > x - 1:
xp1 -= x
if xm1 < 0:
xm1 += x
for yyy in range(y):
# torus wrapping
yp1 = yyy + 1
ym1 = yyy - 1
if yp1 > y - 1:
yp1 -= y
if ym1 < 0:
ym1 += y
# compute sum of neighbor cells
sum = (h[(xm1, yp1)] +
h[(xxx, yp1)] +
h[(xp1, yp1)] +
h[(xm1, yyy)] +
h[(xp1, yyy)] +
h[(xm1, ym1)] +
h[(xxx, ym1)] +
h[(xp1, ym1)])
# apply rules
if h[(xxx,yyy)] == 0:
if sum in b:
h[(xxx,yyy)] = 1
if sum not in s:
h[(xxx,yyy)] = 0
raise ValueError("the argument is not a spatial hash")
if __name__ == "__main__":
h = genhash(20, 40)
h = randomhash(h, 0.2)
import time
while 1:
print(hashprint(h, " ", "5"),"console preview")