VirtualHost in separate file - Apache compiled


Because there is a large amount of VirtualHosts I have, the file in /etc/apche247/conf/extra/httdp-vhost.conf is extensive and disorganized.

I know some ways to create VirtualHost dynamic, but in Apache's automatic installation (apt-get / yum / pacman install), using the sites-enabled folder.

But with Apache compiled, such folders do not exist, and I do not know a dynamic way (without having to include the file in the link ), to do this.

asked by anonymous 20.01.2014 / 00:47

1 answer


Just create this folder yourself! I was also using an Apache installation that did not use sites-enabled , so I saw one that used like it was done and did the same. It's a simple matter of creating the folder and adding the following line in httpd.conf :

Include /caminho/para/o/apache/conf/sites-enabled/

Then you can use sites-enabled normally (i.e. one file per Virtual Host). I also suggest (if on a platform with support for symbolic links) create a sites-available folder, create the files there and only "link" those that are active in sites-enabled (so you can quickly take and place websites in the air ).

20.01.2014 / 01:02