Grouping data from a table


I have the following sql statement:


   max(case when NotaBimestre = 1 then Nota else null end) as 1bim,
   max(case when NotaBimestre = 2 then Nota else null end) as 2bim,
   max(case when NotaBimestre = 3 then Nota else null end) as 3bim,
   max(case when NotaBimestre = 4 then Nota else null end) as 4bim

From ((notas 
INNER JOIN Materias 
   ON Notas.MateriaID = Materias.MateriaID) 
   ON Notas.AlunoID = Alunos.AlunoID)      

group by (NotaID)


How do I stay in this pattern:

ID | ALUNO    | DISCIPLINA           | 1BIM| 2BIM | 3BIM | 4BIM
16 | NATANAEL | BANCO DE DADOS       | 8   |      |      | 
17 | GUSTAVO  | PROGRAMAÇÃO PARA WEB | 9.5 | 8    | 8.5  | 10
asked by anonymous 19.06.2017 / 16:47

2 answers


Considering that your SGBD is SQL Server you can collect the data in subquery and perform PIVOT on top of these data:

SELECT a.alunonome AS aluno,
       m.materianome AS disciplina,
  FROM (
    SELECT n.materiaid,
           'bim' + CAST(n.notabimestre AS VARCHAR) as semestre,
      FROM notas n
  ) x
  PIVOT (AVG(x.nota) FOR semestre IN (bim1, bim2, bim3, bim4)) y
  INNER JOIN materias m ON m.materiaid = y.materiaid
  INNER JOIN alunos a ON a.alunoid = y.alunoid

If you are using MySQL , you can group using CASE and setting GROUP BY :

SELECT a.alunonome AS aluno,
       m.materianome AS disciplina,
       AVG(CASE n.notabimestre
             WHEN 1 THEN n.nota
           END) AS bim1,
       AVG(CASE n.notabimestre
             WHEN 2 THEN n.nota
           END) AS bim2,
       AVG(CASE n.notabimestre
             WHEN 3 THEN n.nota
           END) AS bim3,
       AVG(CASE n.notabimestre
             WHEN 4 THEN n.nota
           END) AS bim4
  FROM nota n
 INNER JOIN materias m ON m.materiaid = n.materiaid
 INNER JOIN alunos a ON a.alunoid = n.alunoid
 GROUP BY n.materiaid, n.alunoid, a.alunonome, m.materianome



Returns the average value of expr ... If there are no matching rows, AVG () returns NULL.

Free translation:


Returns the average value of the expression ... If there are no rows, AVG () will return NULL.

Note: I noticed that you used the MAX function to get the notes, but I think the ideal thing for you is to use AVG , since what matters is the average

19.06.2017 / 18:00

Your SELECT can not start in the Notes table, it has to start in students, and make a SUB-SELECT for each bimester, more or less like this:

 SELECT b.MateriaNome, a.AlunoNome, a.AlunoID,
        (SELECT MAX(Nota) FROM Notas WHERE NotaBimestre = 1 AND MateriaId = b.MateriaId AND AlunoId = a.AlunoId) AS '1bim',
        (SELECT MAX(Nota) FROM Notas WHERE NotaBimestre = 2 AND MateriaId = b.MateriaId AND AlunoId = a.AlunoId) AS '2bim',
        (SELECT MAX(Nota) FROM Notas WHERE NotaBimestre = 3 AND MateriaId = b.MateriaId AND AlunoId = a.AlunoId) AS '3bim',
        (SELECT MAX(Nota) FROM Notas WHERE NotaBimestre = 4 AND MateriaId = b.MateriaId AND AlunoId = a.AlunoId) AS '4bim',
    FROM Alunos a
    INNER JOIN Materias b
    GROUP BY a.AlunoID, b.MateriaId;
19.06.2017 / 17:00