How to make specific queries in sql using Laravel?


I need to make an appointment at the bank to see the birthday of the current month. Such a query, see:


SELECT * FROM membros WHERE day(dataNasc) = day(CURRENT_DATE) and month(dataNasc) = month(CURRENT_DATE);

How could I make this query in Laravel?

I tried to do this way but he is returning dates that are not today today that in this case today 03/09/2017 in> ). Because it returns date as 04/09 , 05/09 , etc.

See how I'm trying:

$date = Membro::all();
foreach ($date as $d) {
    $explode = explode('-', $d->dataNasc);
$query = DB::table('membros')
           ->whereDay('dataNasc', $explode[2])
           ->whereMonth('dataNasc', $explode[1])
           ->get(['nome', 'imagem']);

It returns me 4 values. where only 3 values are according to the current date at the moment, but if I go to phpmyadmin and put the command


SELECT * FROM membros WHERE day(dataNasc) = day(CURRENT_DATE) and month(dataNasc) = month(CURRENT_DATE);

Does it return only the 3 correct values of the current date and the current month? How can I resolve this?

asked by anonymous 04.09.2017 / 04:37

1 answer


How could I make this query in Laravel?

I'll try to answer with some solutions:


SELECT * FROM membros 
   WHERE day(dataNasc) = day(CURRENT_DATE) 
     and month(dataNasc) = month(CURRENT_DATE);

1) With the current date of the server

    ->whereDay('dataNasc', date('d'))
    ->whereMonth('dataNasc', date('m'))

2) With the current date of the database

$where = 'day(dataNasc) = day(CURRENT_DATE)  and month(dataNasc) = month(CURRENT_DATE)';

1) With the current date of the server

Membro::whereDay('dataNasc', date('d'))
    ->whereMonth('dataNasc', date('m'))

2) With the current date of the database

$where = 'day(dataNasc) = day(CURRENT_DATE)  and month(dataNasc) = month(CURRENT_DATE)';

1) With the current date of the database

$sql = ' SELECT * FROM membros WHERE day(dataNasc) = day(CURRENT_DATE) ';
$sql .= ' and month(dataNasc) = month(CURRENT_DATE) '

That is, in this answer there are 5 examples that output the same result, according to of the question, just check which one is best with the points: server where the application or database server runs, because they can have date and time difference.

05.09.2017 / 23:30