I have a PHP array, as illustrated below. I know I can filter them by traversing them ( foreach , for example) and seeing if a value meets a certain criterion. But is there any simpler and faster way to do this filter?
$clientes = [
['id' => 1, 'nome' => 'Alefe', 'valor_autorizado' => 12159.99],
['id' => 2, 'nome' => 'Bete', 'valor_autorizado' => 35122.00],
['id' => 3, 'nome' => 'Guimel', 'valor_autorizado' => 86242.90]
['id' => 4, 'nome' => 'Dalete', 'valor_autorizado' => 2342.31]
For example, I want all customers with an authorized value greater than $ 40,000.