What is the purpose of the WeakMap object?

  • How does the WeakMap object work?
  • What's the difference between it and a Object (which is the most common in Javascript)?
  • What is the difference between WeakMap and Map ?
  • Which browsers can I use?
asked by anonymous 13.07.2018 / 18:38

2 answers


I recommend reading the question on Map first. The type WeakMap works exactly like Map , with the following main differences:

  • Only accept objects as key
  • It is not enumerable, ie it does not allow to list the keys
  • Key references are always weak references
  • The last one is in bold because it is the reason why WeakMap exists. A "weak reference" in this context means that the use of a given object as a key in a WeakMap does not count from the garbage collector's point of view. If there is no other reference to an object used as a key in a WeakMap , the value corresponding to that key in WeakMap is released to be collected by the garbage collector .

    14.07.2018 / 18:29

    How does the WeakMap object work?

    WeakMap is an object of Javascript that provides an object dictionary, that is, an object that stores data in the key / value format.

    As a dictionary, it works based on a key, that is, for include / retrieve / delete operations is using a key to identify the object.

    Here is an example of creating a dictionary and the basic operations:

    var dic = new WeakMap()
    var chaveA = { chave: 'A' };
    var chaveB = { chave: 'B' };
    var chaveC = { chave: 'C' };
    // adicionando objetos
    dic.set(chaveA, 1);
    dic.set(chaveB, "dois");
    dic.set(chaveC, new Date(2018,06,13));
    // verificando objetos
    console.log("existe objeto 'A':" + dic.has(chaveA));
    // recuperando
    console.log("valor do objeto 'A':" + dic.get(chaveA));
    console.log("valor do objeto 'B':" + dic.get(chaveB));
    console.log("valor do objeto 'C':" + dic.get(chaveC));
    // excluindo
    console.log("existe objeto 'A':" + dic.has(chaveA));

    What is the difference between it and an Object (which is the most common in Javascript)?

    Key differences:

    • does not have a method to retrieve an object, as WeakMap has get() ;
    • does not have a method to assign values like set() of WeakMap, it is necessary to use the = operator;
    • does not have a method to clean properties like clear() of WeakMap;

    What is the difference between WeakMap and Map?

    Key differences:

    • Map is iterable and therefore supports forEach , since WeakMap does not.
    • The key of a Map object can be any object ( string , number , etc), while WeakMap must be Object .

    Which browsers can I use?

    According to developer.mozila.org on 7/13/2018 the compatibility is:

    Chrome  Firefox     Internet Explorer   Opera           Safari
    36      6.0 (6.0)   11                  Não suportado   Não suportado


    13.07.2018 / 19:05