Best way to implement Toledo 4Unew Balance? [closed]


Good afternoon, I bought a toledo Prix 4Uno scale with communication via ethernet.

I would like to know if there are any examples in C # to implement communication with it, or if it is only via MGV 6 software.

Any starting foot tip is already a big help.

EDIT: I found several useful links that helped me in the implementation

  • Youtube channel of the manufacturer, where will be found tutorials on how to pre-configure the balance: link

  • Layout of the .txt file that will be generated for MGV6 to import the items: link

  • Example of what the full export screen looks like: link

  • Bar code layout generated by the scale. This is necessary to later enter the information through the system: link

  • asked by anonymous 13.10.2017 / 21:40

    1 answer


    I took a look at her manual: link

    I do not think you need to develop software to communicate with the scale, and the manufacturer already has one available for this.

    Since the scale works by printing labels with the bar code, the sales system just needs to read the label and calculate the quantity, nothing more.

    In the cadastral part of the items, you only have to export the information in a text file and transfer it to the balance by the manufacturer's software.


    There is a topic here: link that you can help with the layout.

    And, from what I read here: link the text file is in the root of the software, I think which should already have the model of how it should be generated.

    14.10.2017 / 03:53