How can I export the output to a text file in C?


I want to pass the program output to a .txt file, how would I do it?

asked by anonymous 24.07.2018 / 22:10

2 answers


To redirect the output of a program to a file simply call the terminal / command line:


programa.exe > arquivo.txt


./programa > arquivo.txt

Similarly, you can use < to use a file as input , as if it were what you would type directly into the console for input :

programa < arquivo_entrada.txt

You can even combine the two and use one input file and one output file:

programa < arquivo_entrada.txt > arquivo_saida.txt
25.07.2018 / 00:19

If you want to pass the COMPLETE program output to the file, you can do it as follows:


meuprograma.exe > arquivo.txt

Unix / Linux:

./meuprograma > arquivo.txt

Note: Only one ">" will overwrite everything that is inside the file, and two "> >" will add. Both will create a file if it does not exist!

But if you want to pass the output from within your program, from a variable for example, you can do it as follows:

char Str[100];
FILE *arq;

arq = fopen("arquivo.txt", "wt"); //abre arquivo ou cria um

if (arq == NULL){ //verifica se ocorreu erro
   printf("Erro ao abrir o arquivo\n");

strcpy(Str, "testando"); //passa a plavra para variavel
resultado = fputs(Str, arq); //grava variavel no arquivo

if (resultado == EOF){ //verifica se ocorreu erro
   printf("Erro na Gravacao\n");
fclose(arq); //fecha o arquivo

I do not know if I can help, but I hope so!

26.07.2018 / 07:06