I need to change one column of values in excel according to the condition of another column. For example, review tax brackets and if they are "return sales" you need to change the amount to negative. How to make?
I need to change one column of values in excel according to the condition of another column. For example, review tax brackets and if they are "return sales" you need to change the amount to negative. How to make?
As I said, despite the good solution with a function given by @LeandroLuk, I decided to make code for a button, which I put below. In this code I directly change the "quantity" field and tax values to "return" NFs, sales remain positive (I always parse the entire table so I can insert new rows):
Private Sub bDEVOL_Click()
Dim DEV As Worksheet
Set DEV = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("DEVOLUCOES")
Dim vlQTD As String, vlTOT As String, vlICM As String, vlPIS As String, vlCOFINS As String, vlIPI As String
Dim Lin As Variant, UltLin As Long
With DEV
UltLin = .Cells(.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
For Lin = 3 To UltLin
vlQTD = .Cells(Lin, "G").Value 'quantidade
vlTOT = .Cells(Lin, "H").Value 'Vlr total da NF
vlIPI = .Cells(Lin, "J").Value 'Vlr IPI
vlICM = .Cells(Lin, "K").Value 'Vlr ICM
vlPIS = .Cells(Lin, "O").Value 'Vlr PIS
vlCOFINS = .Cells(Lin, "M").Value 'Vlr COFINS
If InStr("1201,1202,1410,1411,2201,2410,2411,3201", .Cells(Lin, "Q").Value) > 0 Then 'Class. Fiscais de devolução
If .Cells(Lin, "G").Value > 0 Then 'se já estiver negativo, ignora para não tornar positivo
.Cells(Lin, "G").Value = vlQTD * -1
.Cells(Lin, "H").Value = vlTOT * -1
.Cells(Lin, "J").Value = vlIPI * -1
.Cells(Lin, "K").Value = vlICM * -1
.Cells(Lin, "O").Value = vlPIS * -1
.Cells(Lin, "M").Value = vlCOFINS * -1
End If
End If
Next Lin
End With
End Sub
Well in theory, would you have a column with selective type values (unique values within a list) and from these values should you make a right treatment? I think you should have the following solution:
| A | B | C |
| ------- |---|---|
1 | 100.00 | 1 | ? |
2 | 200.50 | 3 | ? |
3 | 123.45 | 2 | ? |
In order to satisfy the "C" column, using the rule listed above, in every cell in column C I would have something like this:
This function does the conditional validation of the data in the following structure:
if(B1 == 1) {
return +A1; /* o valor inicial como positivo */
} else {
if(B1 == 2) {
return +A1; /* o valor inicial como negativo */
} else {
if(B1 == 3) {
return 0; /* ignora os valores e define um especifico*/
} else {
return A1; /* caso nao atenda nada, retorne o valor inicial*/