JSON Openload PHP


Can anyone help me? I have the following url json: link

I would like to know how to list in php every part that has json left type

Name: the name you have in json Id: id that has json

And for a json like this:

{"status":200,"msg":"OK","result":{"ticket":"valorticket","captcha_url":"valorcaptcha","captcha_w":160,"captcha_h":70,"wait_time":0,"valid_until":"2018-05-11 15:55:44"}}

How would the code look? I have a url with json from the way, I tried changing the url and not the result, only errors

asked by anonymous 11.05.2018 / 15:18

2 answers


Using curl or file_get_contents and then using json_decode .

The result of this:


With json_decode will be more or less these:

    [status] => 200
    [msg] => OK
    [result] => Array
            [6PHaY9bqRYc] => Array
                    [id] => 6PHaY9bqRYc
                    [status] => 200
                    [name] => big_buck_bunny_720p_1mb.mp4
                    [size] => 1055726
                    [sha1] => 5b4395dabecd6308ec82bb4f1626f41c40e64654
                    [content_type] => video/mp4
                    [cstatus] => 1



Then you will have to use a foreach also, for example:


$response = file_get_contents('https://api.openload.co/1/file/info?file=6PHaY9bqRYc');

if (!$response) {
   die('Erro nos dados');

$data = json_decode($response, true);

if ($data['status'] != 200) {
   die('Erro HTTP:' . $data['status']);

foreach ($data['result'] as $id => $details) {
    echo 'id: ', $details['id'], '<br>';
    echo 'Nome: ', $details['name'], '<br>';
    echo 'Tamanho: ', $details['size'], '<br>';
    echo 'Content-Type: ', $details['content_type'], '<hr>';

From the other JSON:

{"status":200,"msg":"OK","result":{"ticket":"valorticket","captcha_url":"valorcaptcha","captcha_w":160,"captcha_h":70,"wait_time":0,"valid_until":"2018-05-11 15:55:44"}}

It should look like this:


//Esta em string, mas suponho que venha de uma URL
$response = '{"status":200,"msg":"OK","result":{"ticket":"valorticket","captcha_url":"valorcaptcha","captcha_w":160,"captcha_h":70,"wait_time":0,"valid_until":"2018-05-11 15:55:44"}}';

if (!$response) {
   die('Erro nos dados');

$data = json_decode($response, true);

if ($data['status'] != 200) {
   die('Erro HTTP:' . $data['status']);

$result = $data['result'];


echo 'ticket: ', $result['ticket'], PHP_EOL;
echo 'URL captcha: ', $result['captcha_url'], PHP_EOL;
echo 'Largura captcha: ', $result['captcha_w'], PHP_EOL;
echo 'Largura altura: ', $result['captcha_h'], PHP_EOL;
echo 'Validade: ', $result['valid_until'], PHP_EOL;

It does not need foreach because result only receives "one object", while the other json received in result: an object with variant key, for example "6PHaY9bqRYc": and was still "multi-dimensional".

11.05.2018 / 15:35

Using file_get_contens() and json_decode :

    echo 'Status: '.$json->status;

Function reference file_get_contents ()


Function reference json_decode ()

11.05.2018 / 15:27