I'm having problems with a webservice because I make a query that returns me 69300 records and it's okay but already with 69595 records it gives error .
The question: can the webservice set a limit memory usage for who is querying it? I'm consuming 90MB in this query.
The program being run is strictly provided by webservice as shown below:
$array = array (
'key' => '8b0dc65f996f98fd178a9defd0efa077',
'module' => 'imoveis',
'method' => 'busca_fotos',
'field' => array (
'CODIGO' => 'Codigo',
'IMAGEM_G' => 'Foto'
# 'limit' => '69300'
$client = new SoapClient(null, array (
'uri' => 'http://soap.imo.bi/',
'location' => 'http://soap.imo.bi/soap.dll',
'trace' => 'trace'
$res = $client->get($array);
$tot = count($res);
echo "<pre>";
echo "</pre>";