Select category and subcategory within the same table


I have the table called modulos and inside it I include idModulo, idModuloBase, module, folder and datacriacao

When the idModuloBase is 0, it is the category, if it is > 0, is the completed module. I need to do a SQL that lists the categories and subcategories within each ...

Can anyone suggest me some SQL to do this? Thankful.

asked by anonymous 15.07.2015 / 19:07

2 answers


As there are only two levels, just a JOIN of the table with itself (a self join ):

   principal.idModulo AS idModuloBase,
   principal.modulo AS moduloBase,
   principal.pasta AS pastaBase
FROM modulos AS modulo
INNER JOIN modulos AS principal
ON principal.idModulo = modulo.idModuloBase
15.07.2015 / 19:12

I do not see a query that can solve the problem well, so I suggest doing it in PHP.


  $sql = "SELECT * FROM modulos WHERE idMoludoBase = 0";
  // Execute sua query

  $modulos = Array();
  while ($row = $res->fetch()) {

     $sql = "SELECT * FROM modulos WHERE idMoludoBase = {$row['idModulo']}";
     // Execute sua query

     // Se ten submodulos
     if ($sres){
        // Adicione todos na chave submodulos
        $row['submodulos'] = $sres->fetchAll();

     // Adicona a linha ao array de modulos
     $modulos[] = $row;

The code above is "just an algorithm", it should be adapted according to your database .

Output from variable $modulos :

  $modulos => Array(
        idModulo      => 1
        idModuloBase  => 0 
        modulo        => Cadastros
        submodulos    => Array(
              idModulo       => 2
              idModuloBase   => 1
              modulo         => Cedentes
           [ ... ]
     [ ... ]
15.07.2015 / 19:24