The shared application service is suitable for small sites with little traffic. For an entertainment portal, you'll probably need a higher level, as Thiago said.
Blue's service is flexible and you can change the level at any time; it takes only seconds. You can select the scale of a site in two methods: "scale up" and "scale out". The first, scale up, sets the size of the machine.
(The prices on the image are in GBP and for a center in Europe.) Sorry for the inconvenience, but I do not want to change my parameters. >



See"Scaling a Web application in the Azure Application Service" - link
If the application is international, you can put it in multiple data centers.

See"Azure Regions, Broad Global Outreach" - link
If the site has lots of images, videos, etc., you could consider the Azure Content Delivery Network -
If your company is "start up", you can sign up for the Microsoft BizSpark program that offers free Azure resources - link