Let's say I have a vehicle object that has the following attributes converting my C # class to Json:
"UsuarioId": 0,
"TipoId": 0,
"MarcaId": 0,
"ModeloId": 0,
"VersaoId": 0,
"Quilometragem": 0,
"AnoFabricacao": 0,
"AnoModelo": 0,
"Combustivel": null,
"Cor": null,
"Placa": null,
"VsCustom": null,
"Valor": 0.0,
"Troca": false,
"inPublico": false
But this vehicle will also have photos and videos of which I use ng-file-upload and convert to base64. In addition this vehicle has optional items that are loaded into an ng-repeat with checkboxes where the user will select the optional items. Until then, okay! The problem itself is at the time of the post. If I do everything separate works, but I would like to insert the array of photos and array of items within the object. I've already tried to send the object this way:
$scope.postVeiculo = function () {
var v = {
Marca: $scope.veiculo.Marca,
Modelo: $scope.veiculo.Modelo,
Versao: $scope.veiculo.Versao,
Files: [$scope.files], <- Esse é o array de fotos
Items: [$scope.items] <-- esse é o de itens opcionais
method: 'POST',
url: 'minhaUrl',
data: $.param(v),
headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' }
.success(function (data, status) {
...tratamento se ok
.error(function (data, status) {
...tratamento do erro
I have tried several times with push, splice, but the response always returns me a reference not set to an object instance. It's sometimes frustrating to work with angular and ASP.NET MVC projects and the documentation is not very enlightening there. Thanks for helping.