There is a listing where I return all users active on the system and there is a button for Edit User , when I click on this option, I open a modal, capture the user id and data of that user in question, and I load the inputs with the fields.
However, it does not work as expected. I'll introduce my code:
new Vue({
el: '#user-table',
data: {
users: '',
firstName: '',
lastName: '',
cpf: '',
email: '',
description: '',
billing: '',
photo: ''
methods: {
resetPassword: function(userId, event) {
disableUser: function(userId, event) {
callModalEditUser: function(userId, event) {
var self = this;
self.$http.get('/dashboard/usuarios/usuario/' + userId).then(function(response) {
var user =;
self.firstName = user.first_name;
self.lastName = user.last_name;
self.cpf = user.cpf; =;
self.description = user.description;
self.billing = user.billing; =;
ready: function() {
var self = this;
self.$http.get('/dashboard/usuarios/listar-usuarios').then(function(response) {
self.users =;
The problem itself is in the function callModalEditUser
, this is the function called for this purpose, below I show her the call in HTML:
<a data-toggle="tooltip" v-on:click="callModalEditUser(, $event)"
data-placement="top" title="Editar usuário"
class="btn btn-primary btn-sm edit-user">
<i class="fa fa-cog"></i>
Finally, in the modal, there are the inputs, I will present the forms that I have already tried:
<input type="text" class="form-control" v-bind:value="firstName" id="first_name" placeholder="Primeiro nome">
<input type="text" class="form-control" v-model="firstName" id="first_name" placeholder="Primeiro nome">
<input type="text" class="form-control" v-bind:value="@{{ firstName }}" id="first_name" placeholder="Primeiro nome">
<input type="text" class="form-control" v-model="@{{ firstName }}" id="first_name" placeholder="Primeiro nome">
<input type="text" class="form-control" value="@{{ firstName }}" id="first_name" placeholder="Primeiro nome">
The return of json occurs naturally with user data, within user
I get all the information I need to display on the screen.
Remembering that, I use @{{ }}
to escape and interpret {{ }}
because my backend application is Laravel and I use the Blade Template.