Create component to be used via npm


I started working a lot with vue and started using it on all the projects in the company where I work. And with that, I ended up creating some componentes , in general autocomplete , I know that there are many, I have already used some, but none have supplied all my needs. However, whenever I go to work on a new project and use the same component, either I recreates it, or I copy and paste it.

So I came to doubt How to create my component, upload to npmjs for whenever I use it, just give npm install -save ... , and also be able to contribute a bit with the community .

asked by anonymous 11.12.2017 / 14:35

1 answer


You should version all of your components separately and indicate which is the index file (in this case the component file) in package.json.

Sample form input component using webpack

  • First, create a folder and give it a git init .
  • In it create the component file, in the case of this example the AppFormInput.vue containing all the structure, logic and style of the component.
  • Now, create a package.json (it may be the default of npm init) however you should indicate which is the "main" file, similarly below:

    "name": "app-form-input",
    "version": "1.0.0",
    "main": "AppFormInput.vue",
    "author": {
        "name" : "Dian Carlos"

Then give the commits and follow the standard steps to upload a project to npm, which you can find at link

With the component published, you will be able to install it with npm i --save app-form-input .

Example of using the component within a .vue file


    <div class="form">

        <app-form-input name="titulo"></app-form-input>




import AppFormInput from 'app-form-input';

export default {

    components : {





<style lang="css">

    .form {

        float: left;

        width: 100%;


28.12.2017 / 18:30