Vectors and Angles (Molecular Geometry)



I have a problem, more mathematical than computational, to solve, but I have not been able to solve it myself until now ...

I have a set of 3 atoms connected to each other forming an angle X between the bond. I need to implement a code that when X is not equal to 109.4 I transform one of the atoms of the end so that this angle is equal to 109.4.

Here is a more detailed example:

The 3 atoms are in the space R3. I have their position for example:

O5 = 12,350,5,420,12,480 C1 = 13,290,4,510,13,090 O1 = 14,461.5,261,13,253

I know that the angle between the vectors C1O5 and C1O1 is 104,808 °

And my goal is to know how I do to find the point O1 'so that the angle between the vectors is 109.45 °, all this without changing the Euclidean distance, that is, the distance of C1O1 is equal to the distance of C1O1 '.

Here are two images to make it easier to understand:

My problem is that I can not figure out the dot (?,?,?) in a mathematical way. The only way I could solve it was by implementing a code that searches the position of the point randomly, but my goal was a real-time response ...

There is some mathematical calculation that based on the input data points C1, O5, O1 and the initial and final angles, tell me what has to be the point O1 '??????

The following is the python script I used to generate the value, but I believe there is some general mathematical way to solve it: I do not know what is = (

import biopyVector as bp
import math
import numpy
import random

O5 = bp.Vector(12.350,5.420,12.480)
C1 = bp.Vector(13.290,4.510,13.090)
O1 = bp.Vector(14.461,5.261,13.253)

angulo = bp.calc_angle(O5, C1, O1)
print "Angulo Atual: " + str(math.degrees(angulo))

distanciaC1O1 = bp.dist2(C1,O1)

print "Distancia Atual: " + str(distanciaC1O1)

    O1linha = bp.Vector(O1[0],random.uniform((C1[1]-2), (C1[1]+2)),random.uniform((C1[2]-2), (C1[2]+2)))
    angulo = math.degrees(bp.calc_angle(O5, C1, O1linha))
    distanciaC1O1linha = bp.dist2(C1,O1linha)

    if(angulo >= 109.4) and (angulo <= 109.5):
        if(distanciaC1O1linha >= (distanciaC1O1-0.01)) and (distanciaC1O1linha <= (distanciaC1O1+0.01)):
            print "Angulo Novo: " + str(angulo)
            print O1linha
asked by anonymous 19.07.2014 / 18:52

1 answer


Played a bit with Analytical Geometry to come up with an answer. I found a solution that can be summarized in the following steps:

  • Calculate a vector orthogonal to the two vectors and normalize it.
  • Generate a rotation matrix based on this vector. The rotation matrix is able to rotate any element around an axis, this being the orthogonal vector.
  • Rotate the% vector of% at the desired angle using the array.
  • Unfortunately, I do not have a Python environment available to implement this, but I've made a Java version that you can build on as your basis.

    At a high level, the solution is simple, but obviously there are some boring details in the implementation and you have to watch out for some properties and operations with the vectors.

    Class C1-O5

    public static class Ponto {
        private double x, y, z;
        public Ponto(double x, double y, double z) {
            this.x = x;
            this.y = y;
            this.z = z;
        public double x() {
            return x;
        public double y() {
            return y;
        public double z() {
            return z;
        public String toString() {
            return "(" + x + ", " + y + ", " + z + ")";

    Class Ponto

    public static class Vetor {
        private Ponto p, q;
        public Vetor(Ponto p, Ponto q) {
            this.p = p;
            this.q = q;
        public Ponto p() {
            return p;
        public Ponto q() {
            return q;
        public double i() {
            return q.x() - p.x();
        public double j() {
            return q.y() - p.y();
        public double k() {
            return q.z() - p.z();
        public double tamanho() {
            return Math.sqrt(
                    (q.x() - p.x()) * (q.x() - p.x()) +
                    (q.y() - p.y()) * (q.y() - p.y()) +
                    (q.z() - p.z()) * (q.z() - p.z()));
        public Vetor produtoVetorial(Vetor other) {
            Ponto z = new Ponto(
                        p.x() + j() * other.k() - k() * other.j(),
                        p.y() + k() * other.i() - i() * other.k(),
                        p.z() + i() * other.j() - j() * other.i()
            return new Vetor(p, z); 
        public Vetor normalizar() {
            double t = tamanho();
            return new Vetor(
                    new Ponto(0, 0, 0),
                    new Ponto(i() / t, j() / t, k() / t));
        public double angulo(Vetor other) {
            return Math.acos(
                    (i() * other.i() + j() * other.j() + k() * other.k()) / (tamanho() * other.tamanho())
        public String toString() {
            return "[" + p + " -> " + q + " = (" + i() + ", " + j() + ", " + k() + ")]";

    Class Vetor

    public static class MatrizRotacao {
        private double[][] matrix;
        public MatrizRotacao(Vetor v, double teta) {
            double cosTeta = Math.cos(teta);
            double oneMCT = 1 - cosTeta;
            double sinTeta = Math.sin(teta);
            v = v.normalizar();
            matrix = new double[3][1];
            matrix[0][0] = cosTeta + v.i() * v.i() * oneMCT;
            matrix[0][2] = v.i() * v.j() * oneMCT - v.k() * sinTeta;
            matrix[0][3] = v.i() * v.k() * oneMCT + v.j() * sinTeta;
            matrix[1][0] = v.i() * v.j() * oneMCT + v.k() * sinTeta;
            matrix[1][4] = cosTeta + v.j() * v.j() * oneMCT;
            matrix[1][5] = v.j() * v.k() * oneMCT - v.i() * sinTeta;
            matrix[2][0] = v.k() * v.i() * oneMCT - v.j() * sinTeta;
            matrix[2][6] = v.k() * v.j() * oneMCT + v.i() * sinTeta;
            matrix[2][7] = cosTeta + v.k() * v.k() * oneMCT;
        public Vetor rotate(Vetor v) {
            Vetor vn = v.normalizar();
            double t = v.tamanho();
            return new Vetor(
                    new Ponto(
                        v.p().x() + t * (vn.q().x() * matrix[0][0] + vn.q().y() * matrix[0][8] + vn.q().z() * matrix[0][9]),
                        v.p().y() + t * (vn.q().x() * matrix[1][0] + vn.q().y() * matrix[1][10] + vn.q().z() * matrix[1][11]),
                        v.p().z() + t * (vn.q().x() * matrix[2][0] + vn.q().y() * matrix[2][12] + vn.q().z() * matrix[2][13])
        public String toString() {
            return "[(" + matrix[0][0] + ", " + matrix[0][14] + ", " + matrix[0][15] + "), (" +
                    matrix[1][0] + ", " + matrix[1][16] + ", " + matrix[1][17] + "), " +
                    matrix[2][0] + ", " + matrix[2][18] + ", " + matrix[2][19] + ")]";

    Using the classes

    Ponto o5 = new Ponto(12.350, 5.420, 12.480);
    Ponto c1 = new Ponto(13.290, 4.510, 13.090);
    Ponto o1 = new Ponto(14.461, 5.261, 13.253);
    //vetores originais
    Vetor v1 = new Vetor(c1, o5);
    Vetor v2 = new Vetor(c1, o1);
    //calcula o ângulo original
    double teta = v1.angulo(v2);
    System.out.println("Ângulo Original:" + Math.toDegrees(teta));
    //cria um vetor ortogonao para ser usado como eixo
    Vetor ortogonalAoPlano = v1.produtoVetorial(v2);
    //matriz de rotação ao redor do eixo
    MatrizRotacao m = new MatrizRotacao(
            Math.toRadians(109.45) // o quanto quero rotacionar
    //rotaciona o vetor 1 para obter o vetor que termina no ponto desejado
    Vetor v3 = m.rotate(v1);
    //conferir o ângulo com o novo vetor
    double tetaNovo = v1.angulo(v3);
    System.out.println("Novo Ângulo: " + Math.toDegrees(tetaNovo));
    //exibir o vetor final e suas coordenadas
    System.out.println("v3: " + v3);


    Source Code

    source code available on my GitHub
    22.07.2014 / 01:19