The page code is on the client side, ie it is in the browser rather than the server.
So, via PHP you have no way to control what will or will not go to the URL based on your fill or not.
If you want to exclude from the URL certain parameters that are in turn fields of a form submitted with the GET method, you will have to make use of JavaScript.
// Anexar código à submissão do formulário
// desativar elementos sem valor
$('#idDoMeuFormulario :input[value=""]').attr('disabled', true);
By default, disabled
elements are not submitted by submitting the form.
This gives us effective control over what will or will not be shipped. In the example above we are selecting all empty elements and deactivating them so that they are not sent when submitting the form.
Your case
In your case, it looks like you want to delete% with% unmarked, so you can:
// Anexar código à submissão do formulário
// desativar caixas de seleção não marcadas
$('#idDoMeuFormulario input:checkbox:not(:checked)').attr('disabled', true);