I want to delete a BD record that contains an image. When doing such an action, also exclude this same image from the folder where it is. How do you do this?
I want to delete a BD record that contains an image. When doing such an action, also exclude this same image from the folder where it is. How do you do this?
The helper of CodeIgniter files let you delete files in a particular path:
If you want to delete just one file, you'll be better served using the unlink () of PHP:
$caminhoParaFicheiro = '/caminho/para/ficheiro/bubu.jpg';
if (unlink($caminhoParaFicheiro)) {
echo 'Bubu morreu';
else {
echo 'Não foi possível matar o BuBu';
How can you call the PHP unlink function:
To delete a file only:
$file = '/dir/src/arquivo.png';
echo 'Excluido com sucesso';
echo 'Erro ao excluir';
To delete multiple files:
$dir = '/dir/src/'; //Irá excluir todos do diretório src
$open = opendir($dir);
while($read = readdir($open)){
if($read != '.' && $read != '..'){
$e = @unlink($dir.$read);
echo 'Arquivo {$read} excluido com sucesso <br>';
echo 'Erro ao excluir o arquivo {$read} <br>';