Is there a LINQ method that returns a default value of my choice?


Is there a LINQ method that returns a default value of my preference that fulfills the role of this method more efficiently?

public static int? procurarIdPorCpf(string cpf)
    using (Contexto context = new Contexto())
        if (context.pessoaFisica.Any(p => p.CPF.Equals(cpf)))
            return context.pessoaFisica.First(p => p.CPF.Equals(cpf)).ID;
            return null;
asked by anonymous 17.07.2014 / 17:48

2 answers


Use the null coalescence operator:

return context.pessoaFisica.FirstOrDefault(p => p.CPF.Equals(cpf)) ?? meuValorDefault;

As you indicated you want the Id, you could do so:

return context.pessoaFisica
              .Where(p => p.CPF.Equals(cpf))
              .Select(p => (int?)p.Id)

In this case you do not need the ?? operator, since the value of FirstOrDefault will already be null if it has no records.

17.07.2014 / 17:54

It is best to go through the enumeration only once:

    public static int? procurarIdPorCpf(string cpf)
        using (Contexto context = new Contexto())
            var pessoa = context.pessoaFisica.FirstOrDefault(p => p.CPF.Equals(cpf));
            return pessoa == null ? null : pessoa.ID;
17.07.2014 / 18:21