Converts numbers from 1 ao 26
to A - Z
of the Alphabet. I have a directory with several files and I wanted to make a "FOR" for, ... the name (file). I'm doing this with files named by ordinal numbers, but I'd like to do this with files named by letters.
var dir = "video"; // acessa o diretório vídeos, onde estão os vídeos .3gp e suas thumnail .png
window.onload = function(){
var alfabeto = "3";
for (i = 1; i <= alfabeto; i++) {
document.body.innerHTML += "<a href='"+dir+"/"+i+".3gp' target='player'><img src='"+dir+"/"+i+".png' class='option'></a>";
Good people, I hope I have expressed enough that we can find the solution together, I count on your help. Thank you in advance.