ASP.NET CORE Dependency Injection


I have a situation that I do not know how to solve it. I have the following scenario: I have an ASP.NET CORE WebAPI and a Class Library also in .NET CORE. Since the class library will be according to the Repository Pattern.

So I came across a question. I made the DI of the web interface / implementation api but inside the class library I can not retrieve the connectionString I added in appsettings.json (inside the class library), it returns null.

How can I retrieve the connectionString from within the class library?

Edit1: The project is separated as well

  • ProjTeste.API (ASP.NET CORE)
  • ProjTeste.Repository (.NET CORE ClassLibrary)
asked by anonymous 21.06.2018 / 04:08

1 answer


I'll show you how to use it in my project, which is also done through Repository Pattern and works perfectly.


Within class Startup.cs create a property of type IConfigurationRoot , if it does not exist:

public IConfigurationRoot Configuration { get; }

Once this is done, let's go to the constructor of class Startup.cs . Here your file should look like the code below.

public Startup(IHostingEnvironment env)
    var builder = new ConfigurationBuilder()
        .AddJsonFile("appsettings.json", optional: true, reloadOnChange: true)
        .AddJsonFile($"appsettings.{env.EnvironmentName}.json", optional: true)

    if (env.IsDevelopment())
        // This will push telemetry data through Application Insights pipeline faster, allowing you to view results immediately.
        builder.AddApplicationInsightsSettings(developerMode: true);

    Configuration = builder.Build();

    Environment = env;

Realize the .AddJsonFile by passing the file "appsettings.json" which is where it normally places connection string . I think your project looks that way too.

Note also the addition of this line Configuration = builder.Build(); .

Now we go to the ConfigureServices method also in the Startup.cs class. Within the method, just below% with_of%, put the following code:


Once this is done, we have successfully configured the DI for services.AddMvc() .


Within the class you want to access IConfigurationRoot , create a variable of type connection string to store your string :

private readonly string _connectionString;

Once this is done, create the constructor of your class as follows, informing connection string as parameter (it will be created through Dependency Injection):

public SuaClasseRepository(IConfiguration configuration)
    _connectionString = configuration.GetConnectionString("DefaultConnection");

Notice that I used IConfiguration to search for configuration.GetConnectionString("DefaultConnection"); of file connection string (we defined it in class Startup.cs) and that it has the name appsettings.json .

Below is how my DefaultConnection file is, and it should follow the same object names to avoid future problems:

  "ConnectionStrings": {
    "DefaultConnection": "myDatabaseConnectionString"

Ready. You now have access to your appsettings.json in all classes you create as I've shown above.

21.06.2018 / 04:34