Does anyone know of any Electronic Consumer Invoice integration manual for PHP usage? I am developing a system that contains sales control, and I would need to issue an NFC-e, but I do not find any documentation talking about it anywhere.
Does anyone know of any Electronic Consumer Invoice integration manual for PHP usage? I am developing a system that contains sales control, and I would need to issue an NFC-e, but I do not find any documentation talking about it anywhere.
The Farm does not provide any tutorial or anything else based on language, it only provides information about webservice addresses on the URL WebService .
The documentation and XML Schemas can be found at Current Archives .
You just need to know how to program, that with this information you can use webservice in any language.
To access webservices you can use the PHP cURL library:
Together with an XML library:
Or you can use the third-party NFePHP Library , available from GitHub.
In addition to direct communication with revenue you can use commercial APIs that will eventually save your development time. In addition to the one already pointed out by KaduAmaral I recommend the Focus NFe API ( link ) that has PHP-ready examples using PECL or CURL
An intermediate option would be to generate the file in the SEFAZ application format and use the free issuer .
I work in the company that provides the API mentioned above and if you understand that this is the best way I am at your disposal. Otherwise the two paths pointed out (NFe PHP and what I mentioned about the free sender) are great options.