Push on Bitbucket


I can not give push to my project on Bitbucket, every time the message appears below. I follow the instructions by putting the email and name, but when I give the commands again the same message appears again.


gitinitgitaddREADME.mdgitcommit-m"first commit"
git remote add origin https:***********
git push -u origin master

I'm using the git tool, downloaded on this site .

asked by anonymous 27.11.2018 / 20:31

1 answer


In fact it is Git itself that is blocking you, not Bitbucket, because you do not have user and email properly configured, just do:

git config --local user.name "Henrique Mendes"

Or whatever name you want, to set your name in Git to this repository (the "--local") and:

git config --local user.mail "[email protected]"

To your email address. This information is used to register the commits authorship.

27.11.2018 / 22:58