I have a problem that could only be happening on a Friday # 13.
I have a Delphi application that controls SEDEX submissions and I use the PostgreSQL Database.
In a given column, called sdx_cepnet , I store the information that the Barcode generates. This information comes from a form field (a TMaskEdit with mask 00000-000; 0; )
From the contents of this field I apply a formula to add a check digit and include a control character at the start (start) and at the end ( stop ) barcode.
Eg: Assuming the zip 12345-678 CEPNET will be / 123456784 \ - 4 is the DV, / is start character, \ stop character. / p>
So far, everything happens the way the costume goes, all the values come right to the SQL statement.
Follows relevant part of table's DDL
CREATE TABLE public.tbsdx (
sdx_numobj NUMERIC(9,0),
sdx_siglaobj CHAR(2),
sdx_paisorigem CHAR(2),
sdx_cep CHAR(8),
sdx_numobj2 VARCHAR(13),
sdx_cepnet CHAR(11), -- << CAMPO EM QUESTÃO
-- (...)
) WITH (oids = true);
Unit Code
// (...) Outros códigos
// Início Calculo DV CEP
v_soma := 0;
for i:= 1 to Length(MkEdCep.Text) do
v_soma := v_soma + StrToInt(copy(MkEdCep.Text, i, 1));
v_soma := v_soma Mod 10;
if v_soma > 0 then
v_soma := 10 - v_soma;
CEPr := Format('/%s%d\', [MkEdCep.Text, v_soma]);
v_soma := Length(CEPr); // DEBUG
// Fim Calculo DV CEP
with dm do
SqlAux1.SQL.Add('UPDATE tbsdx ');
SqlAux1.SQL.Add('SET sdx_cepnet = :cepnet, sdx_valor = :valor, ');
// (...) Outros campos
SqlAux1.SQL.Add('WHERE sdx_numobj2 = :numboj2 ');
SqlAux1.ParamByName('cepnet').AsString := CEPr;
SqlAux1.ParamByName('valor').AsFloat := Moeda2Float(EdValor.Text);
SqlAux1.ParamByName('numboj2').AsString := EdObjeto.Text;
SqlAux1.ExecSQL; // Executando a instrução
if SqlAux1.RowsAffected > 0 then
// ...continua
Follow DEBUG and the error
What I've tried that did not work
- Put '* / 123456784 \' directly into the CEPr variable
- Use Trim
- Use copy (string, 1, 11)
What causes the statement to execute correctly
- Use copy (string, 1, 10)
- Use '12345678940'
The question is: How to make the field accept the correct value ??