Fill Map without duplicate records


I have List of an object A . In this object, I have 2 attributes: Long and a BigDecimal .

How can I create a Map where the key will be Long and the value will be BigDecimal , using lambda ?

The problem is that Long can not repeat.

asked by anonymous 31.07.2018 / 20:23

2 answers


Suppose your A class has a getX() method that gives Long and a getY() method that gives BigDecimal . With this, you can use method Collectors.toMap :

List<A> suaLista = ...;
Map<Long, BigDecimal> map =, A::getY);

Please note this detail of method documentation:


If the mapped keys contain duplicates (according to Object.equals(Object) ), an IllegalStateException is thrown when the collection operation is performed.



If the mapped keys contain duplicates (according to Object.equals(Object) ), a IllegalStateException is posted when the collection operation is performed.

This means that this exception will be thrown if your list has at least two objects with the same% s of% s.

If you want to accept the duplicates, and keep only one of them, the same documentation says the following:


If the mapped keys might have duplicates, use Long instead.



If mapped keys can have duplicates, use toMap(Function, Function, BinaryOperator) instead.

And to keep only the first key, it would be this:

List<A> suaLista = ...;
Map<Long, BigDecimal> map =
        .collect(Collectors.toMap(A::getX, A::getY, (p, q) -> p);

This toMap(Function, Function, BinaryOperator) is the (p, q) -> p that receives two values and returns the first.

31.07.2018 / 21:26

You can use the Collectors library, the toMap() method.

In this example, I have an object with two fields, chave and valor , which will be the respective key / value of map .

You can also treat duplicate keys by using função de merge , which is the third parameter of toMap()

In this scenario, it will take precedence over the old value.

import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Map;

public class Q319074 {

public static void main(String[] args) {

        Numero n1 = new Numero(Long.valueOf(1), new BigDecimal(10));
        Numero n2 = new Numero(Long.valueOf(1), new BigDecimal(20));
        Numero n3 = new Numero(Long.valueOf(3), new BigDecimal(30));

        Map<Long, BigDecimal> valores = Arrays.asList(n1, n2, n3)
                                                              (valorAntigo, valorNovo) -> valorAntigo));


class Numero {

    private Long chave;
    private BigDecimal valor;

    Numero(Long chave, BigDecimal valor) {
        this.chave = chave;
        this.valor = valor;

    public Long getChave() {
        return chave;

    public BigDecimal getValor() {
        return valor;
31.07.2018 / 21:30