Hello, I'm a one-page developer of a client. Inside this page, I put a link in the header (header.php file) inside the DIV structure which looks like this:
<div onclick="irParaMinhasReservas();" style="cursor: pointer;" id="btnMinhasReservas2" class="ph00_9"></div>
By suggestion in another forum, I set the irParaMinhasReservas()
function in the main.js file as follows:
function irParaMinhasReservas(){
location.href = 'index.php?param=1'; }
That is, when I have the variable param defined, it should go to index.php page and automatically open a tab that exists inside. The top of the index.php page looks like this:
echo "<script>abreAba(2,logado);</script>";
But for now I could not make it work. What could I have done wrong or might have forgotten in the codes I set?
Thanks to anyone who can help me.