Hover only in some columns


I have a table with 6 columns, but I just want to give hover in the first 4 columns. Is it possible to do this?

I'm using MVC 4 and bootstrap

I'm already using a method in Jquery :

$(".table tbody tr").hover(function () {
        $("table tbody tr .cell-padrao").each(function (index) {
            $(this).css("background-color", "#FFF");

        $(this).each(function (index) {
            $(this).find(".cell-padrao").css("background-color", "#eee");
            $(this).find(".cell-padrao").css("cursor", "pointer");

But every time I draw the mouse from the Line the hover is still there. I need him to leave. Can you improve this method or do you have something in% of what can be done?

EDIT: I need it to hover in the first 4 (joins) columns and the other 2 columns stay as they are, because they have their own hovers

Exactly like this: link , but when you leave tr the hover also adds

asked by anonymous 03.04.2014 / 20:30

5 answers


This can be done directly in CSS


        <td class="colorido">Coluna 1</td>
        <td class="colorido">Coluna 2</td>
        <td class="colorido">Coluna 3</td>
        <td>Coluna 4</td>
        <td>Coluna 5</td>


.colorido:hover{color: red;}


Second option with all values selected:


<script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-latest.min.js"></script><table><tr><tdclass="colorido">Coluna 1</td>
        <td class="colorido">Coluna 2</td>
        <td class="colorido">Coluna 3</td>
        <td>Coluna 4</td>
        <td>Coluna 5</td>

Javascript / jQuery

}).mouseleave(function() {


Third and best option with addition and removal of classes:


<script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-latest.min.js"></script><table><tr><tdclass="colorido">Coluna 1</td>
        <td class="colorido">Coluna 2</td>
        <td class="colorido">Coluna 3</td>
        <td>Coluna 4</td>
        <td>Coluna 5</td>

Javascript / jQuery

}).mouseleave(function() {


.novaClasse{color: red; cursor: pointer;}

You can even give a hover in this new class by changing CSS to

.novaClasse{color: red; cursor: pointer;}
.novaClasse:hover{color: green;}


03.04.2014 / 20:42

For better browser compatibility , I recommend that you do so using the following CSS:

table tr td:first-child:hover,
table tr td:first-child + td:hover,
table tr td:first-child + td + td:hover,
table tr td:first-child + td + td + td:hover
    color: red;
    cursor: pointer;

That way it will work even in IE8 .

Example in jsfiddle

jsfiddle embedded: view in IE8

So you avoid using javascript to do this, and it gives good support to browsers.

04.04.2014 / 00:09

Imagine that you do not want only the first 4, but actually link X lines to a certain context, which can be 1, 2, or N lines. This way I consider that I use a context identifier ex: data-codigo on each line and on the hover function you identify lines that have the same context and highlight them all at once:

Suggested solution: JS FIDDLE

        <tr data-codigo="1"><td>Contexto 1</td></tr>
        <tr data-codigo="1"><td>Contexto 1</td></tr>
        <tr data-codigo="1"><td>Contexto 1</td></tr>
        <tr data-codigo="1"><td>Contexto 1</td></tr>
        <tr data-codigo="2"><td>Contexto 2</td></tr>
        <tr data-codigo="2"><td>Contexto 2</td></tr>
        <tr data-codigo="2"><td>Contexto 2</td></tr>
        <tr data-codigo="2"><td>Contexto 2</td></tr>

I set your JS to handle these cases:

$(".table tbody tr").hover(
        function () {
            var jqTab = $(this).closest('table');
            jqTab.find("tr[data-codigo=\"" + $(this).data('codigo') + "\"]").css("background-color", "#FF0");
        function() {
            var jqTab = $(this).closest('table');
            jqTab.find("tr[data-codigo=\"" + $(this).data('codigo') + "\"]").css({
                 "backgroundColor": "#CCC",
                 "cursor": "pointer"
04.04.2014 / 00:34

You can only use css nth-last-of-type(-n+1)

I would stay:

table tr td:not(:nth-last-of-type(-n+2)):hover{

JS Fiddle

03.04.2014 / 21:08

Make one more event based on .mouseleave() :



03.04.2014 / 20:42