I have the reservation code made, but the SELECT is so that people can not book the room on the same day I can not do. In my database I have the reservation table, in which the data is found.
backup_name, name, email, n_telef, checkin, checkout, nr_adults, room_type, precoT
Here is the code:
$link = mysqli_connect("localhost","root","","hotel");
// verificacao de dados e feito em javascript e/ou html php so para comunicacao com servidor;
$query = "INSERT INTO reserva VALUES (NULL, '$nome', '$email', $telefone, '$checkin', '$checkout', $nr_adultos,'$tipo_quarto',$precoT)";
$result = mysqli_query ($link , $query);
echo "<script> myFunction('Reserva feita'); </script>";
echo "<script> myFunction('Erro ao fazer a reserva'); </script>";