NavMesh asset format has changed. Please rebake the NavMesh data


I tried to make the game an executable using the following path: File/Build Settings/Pc,Mac../Build and Run . I have tried in many different ways and I have the same problem: The enemies do not appear.

Give the following error (also visible in the image):


NavMesh asset format has changed. Please rebake the NavMesh data

asked by anonymous 22.03.2015 / 17:43

1 answer


This is an error that happens when you migrate to Unity version 5 of an old project. It has nothing to do with path or executable

NavMesh asset format has changed. Please rebake the NavMesh data - I recommend renaming the problem to this.

You will have to give another bake in Navigation, so do:

  • Select your Enviroment in Hierarchy , and click on static to deselect (in the Inspector), click again to mark and choose to apply to all children. Navigation only works for static things.

  • Now go to Navigation Windows > > > > > > > > > > You will know that it is right when the whole floor is in the shade of blue as this video.


    22.03.2015 / 22:24