Connection restarted [closed]


Below is the code for my main class


// uncomment the following to define a path alias
// Yii::setPathOfAlias('local','path/to/local-folder');

// This is the main Web application configuration. Any writable
// CWebApplication properties can be configured here.
return array(
    'name'=>'My Web Application',

    // preloading 'log' component

    'aliases' => array(
            'bootstrap' => realpath(__DIR__ . '/../extensions/bootstrap'), 
            'audit' =>  realpath(__DIR__ . '/../modules/audit'),

    // autoloading model and component classes

        // uncomment the following to enable the Gii tool
         'audit' => array(
         'class' => 'application.modules.audit.AuditModule',
         'userViewUrl' => array('/audit/view', 'id' => '--user_id--'),
         'enableAuditField' => false,
         'connectionID' => 'db',
         'autoCreateTables' => true,
         'layout' => 'application.modules.audit.views.layouts.column1',
         'gridViewWidget' => 'application.extensions.bootstrap.widgets.TbGridView',
         'detailViewWidget' => 'zii.widgets.CDetailView',
         'controllerFilters' => array(
         'auditAccess' => array('application.modules.audit.components.AuditAccessFilter'),

         'adminUsers' => array('admin'),
         'yiiStrapPath' => 'application.vendor.yii-audit-module',

            // If removed, Gii defaults to localhost only. Edit carefully to taste.
            'generatorPaths' => array('bootstrap.gii'),


    // application components

         'errorHandler' => array(
            //'class' => 'application.modules.audit.components.AuditErrorHandler',
            'errorAction' => 'site/error',
            'trackAllRequests' => true,
           // 'catchFatalErrors' => true,
            'auditRequestIgnoreKeys' => array('PHP_AUTH_PW', 'password'),

        'bootstrap' => array(
                    'class' => 'bootstrap.components.TbApi',   


            'connectionString' => 'sqlite:'.dirname(__FILE__).'/../data/testdrive.db',

        // uncomment the following to use a MySQL database

            'connectionString' => 'mysql:host=localhost;dbname=',
            'emulatePrepare' => true,
            'username' => 'root',
            'password' => '',
            'charset' => 'utf8',
            'enableProfiling' => true,
            'enableParamLogging' => true,

            // use 'site/error' action to display errors
                     'class' => 'application.modules.audit.components.AuditLogRoute',
                     'levels' => 'error, warning, profile, audit',
                // uncomment the following to show log messages on web pages

    // application-level parameters that can be accessed
    // using Yii::app()->params['paramName']
        // this is used in contact page
        'adminEmail'=>'[email protected]',

Below the specified error

I'm starting from Yii and configuring an extension, but the following error is occurring:

Does anyone have any idea how to solve this?

asked by anonymous 12.06.2014 / 16:21

0 answers