What is the goal of baselineAligned?


At the time of developing an application, I came across the following warning:


Set android: baselineAligned="false" on this element for better   performance

What is the goal of baselineAligned ? When should I use it?

asked by anonymous 03.10.2016 / 20:24

2 answers


android:baselineAligned : When set to false , it prevents the layout of align your children's baselines.

When you are using a% horizontal%, items are aligned by the position of your text line base (the first line of the first element in the list - top or left - is taken as the reference line). This is to keep people from looking up and down when they are reading the text of the neighboring elements. To disable this property set LinearLayout in XML layout.

03.10.2016 / 20:34

According to official documentation android:baselineAligned When set to false prevents the layout from aligning its children's baselines.

Found here .

03.10.2016 / 20:26