What is the purpose Message Queue MQ


I've heard a lot about talking about MessageQueue, and I've never used it in practice. But before that, I would like to know what is the need and purpose of using an MQ. Thinking about scalability and performance.

Sometimes I get confused with caching, just like memcached and redis, where I can use Pub / SUb.

asked by anonymous 29.10.2015 / 13:36

1 answer


You can find a number of similar explanations and settings for your question depending on the platform you use.

In summary, it allows independent, potentially non-concurrent applications on a distributed system to communicate with each other.

If you want to do more in-depth research on the subject, with more technical and practical details about performance and performance, you can find the link below: link

I hope I have helped.

29.10.2015 / 14:23